The guardians of the law - our Regulatory Affairs
Food supplements are characterized by the fact that they contain nutrients, vitamins or other substances that have a nutritional or physiological effect. According to the Food Supplements Regulation (NemV), they fall under the category of food products.
Every company that places a food product on the EU market is responsible for its safety and must comply with certain requirements of food law. This includes not only the legally compliant composition, but also the correct declaration of the product and its marketing.

All about EFSA, NemV and food law
In order to meet all legal requirements, our Regulatory Affairs department is involved in many processes. From the selection of raw materials and the creation of product-related documents to the inspection of the finished label, our experts are at your side to use their expertise to make your product a reality.
EFSA Health Claims
Although food supplements may look like medicines, as they are often sold in the form of capsules or tablets, they are still classified as food. For this reason, no so-called "unspecific health claims" may be made on the label or on the internet. This refers to slogans or phrases that convey to consumers that the product has a positive effect on health that goes beyond the normal nutritional and physiological effects (e.g. "joints plus").
So that you can get started with your marketing without having to fear a warning, we can provide you with the appropriate approved health claims for every product that you have us develop and manufacture on request.
In the EU, Regulation (EU) No. 432/2012 regulates which health claims may be made for certain raw materials. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regularly assesses which health claims are scientifically tenable. Only when health claims have been examined in this way are they included in the regulation together with the defined claims. These approved claims may then be used for marketing purposes.
The situation is different for herbal raw materials. So far, there are no such approved health claims for the effects of so-called botanicals. Although some studies suggest positive mechanisms of action, this has not yet been confirmed by the EFSA. In Germany, the use of these so-called "on-hold claims" should therefore be avoided.
Our regulatory affairs experts will be happy to advise you individually.

Always up to date - also in organic sector
Food law is constantly changing and there are innovations almost every day, especially in the area of novel foods. Our regulatory affairs managers therefore regularly attend training courses, seminars and further training to keep up to date and inspire you with new approaches. We also have experts in-house for organic food supplements and animal feed.