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All about women's health

PMS, menstrual cramps, menopause

From PMS and menstrual cramps to the challenges of the menopause - we shed light on the most common health issues that affect women. Find out which supplements can help and discover innovative products that are specifically tailored to women's needs.

Women's health covers many different topics. From puberty to menopause, there are numerous health challenges and needs that require specific attention. In this article, we look at common pre-menstrual issues, menopause and how we can work together to develop innovative products to support women's health.

What is PMS?

Many people ask themselves this question. We provide clarity! This acronym stands for premenstrualsyndromeand affects many women. It encompasses a variety of symptoms that some women experience in the days leading up to their period, such as mood swings, fatigue and physical discomfort.

Special supplements for women can help to alleviate these symptoms. Magnesium can reduce muscle cramps, vitamin B6 supports hormone regulation and calcium is said to counteract mood swings. A vitamin B complex can be particularly useful for daily vitamin requirements. For digestive problems, many people like to take products with herbal ingredients such as yarrow or caraway. These are said to have an antispasmodic and disinflating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Menstrual cramps

Another common problem in the field of women's health is menstrual cramps. Specially formulated powder products for mixing in hot water can help here. Iron sticks to support the iron balance are also helpful during menstruation. Iron generally helps to compensate for blood loss. Plants such as ginger, which can sometimes relieve muscle pain, or camomile, which is said to have a calming effect, are valuable support options.

Desire to have children and pregnancy

A balanced diet and the intake of important micronutrients can support female fertility and thus increase the chances of becoming pregnant. Products with a combination of vitamins and minerals can promote reproductive health. Folic acid and vitamin B12, for example, support cell division. Folic acid is particularly important during pregnancy, as folate contributes to the growth of maternal tissue.

Menopause and menopause

On average, the menopause lasts ten to 15 years, but the exact period varies from woman to woman. Exactly when the menopause begins also varies from woman to woman. Most women experience the time around the last menstrual period, the so-called perimenopause, between their mid-forties and mid-fifties. The menopause is the last menstrual period.

This stage of a woman's life brings with it a number of changes and menopause symptoms, including hot flushes, sleep disturbances and mood swings. The symptoms mentioned offer a variety of possible approaches for your products. For example, dietary supplements to promote sleep, relaxation or nutrient supply are an exciting topic. The topic of mood enhancement also fits into almost every product portfolio and can even be ideally combined with sleep concepts. Ingredients such as saffron, passion flower, ashwagandha or rose root (Rhodiola Rosea) and hops are exciting. Vitamin D is generally known to help combat depression. Plant-based raw materials such as yam or soy isoflavones are said to help with hot flushes and can help to balance hormonal fluctuations.

Vaginal flora and mucous membranes

Healthy vaginal flora is essential for female well-being. This is because healthy mucous membranes can reduce the risk of infections and therefore abdominal discomfort. To maintain this balance, lactic acid bacteria can support the natural flora, vitamin C strengthens the immune system and cranberry extract can prevent urinary tract infections. For the vitamins biotin, niacin, riboflavin and vitamin A, the EFSA Health Claim states that they contribute to the maintenance of normal mucous membranes. In addition, ingredients such as lysine and zinc can support the health of the mucous membranes and contribute to regeneration.

Ready for your women's product?

Women's health is a complex and multi-layered topic. The dosage form of your product should also be carefully considered. Whether tablets, capsules or powder - the form should meet the needs and preferences of the user. We offer you a wide range of options here.

Through targeted products and innovative approaches, together we can help to improve the well-being of women at every stage of their lives. Together we can develop innovative products. These could be tailored specifically to the needs of women at different stages of their lives.

Are you interested in an innovative approach?
Then request more information. We will be happy to advise you!

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