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Shake with fiber

Healthy breakfast

In our latest newsletter issue, you can read about interesting and healthy cereals and why a balanced breakfast is important for the body. At the same time, we introduce you to trendy sports for the summer and show you why exercise is so important.

Healthy breakfast for shaking

A healthy breakfast is the basis for a good start to the day. In the morning, depleted fluid and energy reserves need to be replenished so that you can pursue your goals in a focused and fit manner. Breakfast should therefore be balanced and contain carbohydrates and fats as well as proteins and fiber. Whole grain products (e.g. whole grain rolls), yogurt, fresh fruit and vegetables and cereals are generally recommended for a healthy breakfast.

Are you looking for a breakfast that is quick to prepare, easy to take anywhere, delicious and rich in fiber? Try our oat-based breakfast shakes! Oats and inulin give the shakes their high fiber content. Fruit powder and natural flavors provide a fruity, intense taste. Put a smile on your face with our apple-cinnamon variety and experience that pure vacation feeling with the blueberry-coconut breakfast shake! A quick and healthy breakfast.
We would be happy to send you your personal sample.

The classics among cereals

Oats are the classic breakfast cereal. The so-called oat flakes have been consumed in Europe for centuries. They have a very high content of carbohydrates, protein, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. Of particular importance in oatmeal are the beta-glucans - soluble fiber for breakfast, which can help maintain normal cholesterol levels. They are also said to have a positive effect on bowel movements. Oats are therefore definitely a healthy cereal.

Cereals - Of the forgotten and the exotic

Kamut (also known as Khorasan wheat) is a rather unknown type of grain. Kamut is an ancient grain. This describes the forerunners of modern grain varieties, which are hardly grown today for reasons of yield. Other examples besides kamut are emmer, einkorn and spelt, of which only spelt is still known to the general public, but these ancient grains are also considered healthy cereals. However, these almost forgotten grains are experiencing a revival: due to their natural originality, disease resistance and the desire for more variety and sustainable production, they are currently gaining in popularity. Ancient grains can also be used in muesli products.
If you like things a little more exotic, you could consider using the pseudo-cereal quinoa for your muesli, for example. Quinoa comes from the Andes in South America. It is also known as the gold of the Incas, as it was already a staple food for them. Quinoa is an undemanding plant that can grow on poor soils and at altitudes of over 4000 meters. Most types of quinoa are gluten-free and therefore also suitable for people with gluten allergies or coeliac disease. Compared to many types of grain, quinoa usually provides slightly more protein, magnesium and iron.

Energy after summer sports

To ensure that your customers don't run out of breath after sport, we recommend our Recovery Drink Endurance, which we develop for you according to taste. The Recovery Drink Endurance provides everything that is needed after intensive endurance training. It contains a mixture of whey protein isolate and dextrose, enriched with vitamins and magnesium, and supports regeneration after exercise. The protein it contains promotes muscle maintenance and development, while readily available carbohydrates quickly replenish energy stores. Vitamins C and B6 support normal energy metabolism.

Ask for your recipe here!

How movement changes our lives

Regular physical activity is crucial to our overall health and well-being. Here are some reasons why exercise is so important:
1. Physical health: Regular exercise helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers and other chronic diseases. Physical activity also helps to strengthen the immune system and promote a healthy body weight.
2. Mental health: Exercise can have a positive impact on our mental health by reducing stress, boosting mood and reducing the risk of depression and anxiety. Physical activity also improves cognitive function and memory.
3. Reducing health risk factors: Regular exercise can help to lower blood pressure, regulate cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels. These are important factors for long-term health.
4. Increasing energy and stamina: Physical activity improves overall stamina and energy, which helps us in everyday life and in accomplishing physical tasks.
5. Improving sleep quality: Regular exercise can help improve sleep quality and reduce sleep disturbances.