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Protein powder with caseins

The powerhouse in milk

The right protein intake is an essential success factor for athletes when it comes to building and maintaining muscle mass. At Biohealth you will find a wide selection of protein products for every need. Protein powder with caseins is considered the endurance athlete among protein powders!

Protein powder with casein or whey?

As a private label manufacturer of protein powder, we cover every need. Depending on the situation, athletes may benefit from taking protein that can be utilized over the long or short term. Compared to whey protein, which is available in the short term, casein milk protein, which is utilized more slowly, has the advantage that the body receives a constant supply of amino acids over a longer period of time - ideal for muscle maintenance overnight and during regeneration phases.

What's in protein powder with caseins

Casein is the protein content in milk that does not end up in the whey. It consists of a mixture of several proteins. Together with calcium phosphate and other components, it forms so-called micelles, which aggregate the milk into a lump in the stomach and thus facilitate digestion.

Casein makes up around 80 percent of the total amount of protein in milk. The remaining proteins are grouped together under the name whey proteins (whey). Whey is utilized by the body much faster than casein and is therefore more likely to be used directly before or immediately after training.

In the food industry, a distinction is made between micellar casein, sodium and potassium caseinate and calcium caseinate.

  • Micellar casein is obtained from milk by microfiltration. This is a gentle process that takes place without the use of chemicals.
  • Calcium caseinate is extracted from the milk by acid precipitation, neutralized and then mechanically separated from other components.

Calcium caseinate is often used in sports nutrition products because it promotes the digestibility of other proteins by ensuring that they remain in the digestive tract for longer. In addition to caseinates, Biohealth also uses micellar casein in its powder products, as it is a high-quality protein that can be utilized over the long term.

Protein powder with casein gives you long-term power!

As a private label manufacturer of sports nutrition, we offer a wide range of powder products for every need. Protein powder with caseins is perfect for long-term sporting activities where it is essential to ensure the right protein intake.

Micellar casein is absorbed slowly in the stomach. In this way, the muscles are continuously supplied with protein over a longer period of time. This makes products containing micellar casein an ideal protein product for between meals or before going to bed.

No food can be consumed during sleep - and yet micellar casein can constantly supply protein during this time, as it is only slowly utilized by the body. This enables more effective regeneration after sporting activity, even overnight.

Full service for your very own protein powder with caseins

As a contract manufacturer for food supplements, Biohealth has been successfully producing protein powder with caseins for a long time. This makes us the ideal partner for companies that want to develop and distribute their own brands or private labels without having to set up their own production facilities. Feel free to contact us directly and find out more about the possibilities as part of our private label consultation!

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