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Movement & Sportsyour solution for active customers

Regeneration after sport

During training, the body consumes numerous nutrients - and also loses a lot of fluid through sweating. To enable ideal regeneration after sport, it is important to replace the lost substances in the best possible way.

We have the right solutions!

Electrolyte-containing drinks after sport

Drinks containing electrolytes offer a solution for sports enthusiasts. These can be used during sport, but also after training. This not only replenishes the body with the lost fluids, but also replenishes the mineral and vitamin balance .

In contrast to non-isotonic drinks, isotonic drinks also have a special feature: the electrolyte/water ratio corresponds to that of human blood, which means that the minerals can be absorbed by the body particularly quickly.

Isotonic drink powders are particularly easy to use. Simply dissolve in water and drink as required. Our beverage powders are not only effective, but we also pick up on the latest trends in natural flavors. So your customers will really enjoy our iso drinks!

Our product development department will work closely with you to create the desired flavor to appeal to your target group.

More about product development

Recovery Drinks

Targeted regeneration

After a strenuous workout, a recovery drink can help you recover. Different target groups can be addressed with a special focus on strength or endurance sports.

Active people who focus on building muscle need a certain amount of protein, creatine and L-glutamine in addition to the lost fluids for effective training and optimal recovery. Competitive athletes often prefer magnesium as well as vitamins C and B6.

Of course, the ingredients can be tailored to suit your preferences.

As with isotonic drinks, we also offer recovery drinks in powder form.

It has to be practical!

Handling is an important factor in ensuring that your target group accepts your product well.

The practical drink powders can simply be dissolved in water and then consumed directly. You can make it particularly easy for your customers if you sell the product directly in sachets. Your new product will fit into the smallest sports bag and has the potential to become your customers' constant companion.

More about packaging

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