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HealthNutrients for the health of your customers

Food supplements for digestion

Every day, our stomach and intestines ensure that the food we eat is digested and the nutrients it contains enter our body. At the same time, they ensure that toxins, waste and indigestible food residues are excreted.

The liver also plays an important role in the digestive process. By producing bile, it ensures that fat is digested and regulates the metabolism.

A balanced and varied diet is a key factor in maintaining this sensitive interaction of the digestive organs. Dietary supplements for digestion can be taken to provide the body with targeted support.

Food supplements to support digestion

To support healthy digestion and prevent digestive problems, many consumers rely on dietary supplements for digestion - from classic supplements with vitamins to herbal preparations and trend products.

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Vitamins, minerals & co.

We advise you on the targeted use of ingredients with an approved health claim. These include, for example:

  • Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.
  • Chloride contributes to normal digestion through the formation of stomach acid.
  • Lactase improves lactose digestion in people who have problems digesting lactose.
  • Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of normal mucous membranes.
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Herbal supplements

True to the motto: "What works as a home remedy is even better as a dietary supplement", many people swear by herbal supplements. These include products with

  • Dietary fibers, as they stimulate intestinal activity and can improve the consistency of the stool.
  • Herbal substances and extracts, such as camomile, fennel, oregano, peppermint or ginger. They are said to have a calming or stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract and digestion.
#healthygutAbgesoftete Nahaufnahme von gefüllten Einmachgläsern, darauf organische Formen als Symbol für Probiotika

Trend products with biotics

The so-called biotics are absolutely on trend. In addition to prebiotics and probiotics, this group also includes postbiotics. The microorganisms they contain are said to help regulate digestion and strengthen the immune system.

You can find out more about these bacterial cultures in our detailed article.

More about biotics

We hope that we have been able to give you an initial overview of this detailed topic. Let's discuss everything else in a personal meeting.

To the inquiry
