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HealthNutrients for the health of your customers

Immune system:
The body's defense

The immune system is the body's natural defense mechanism and is designed to protect against pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. This complex network of cells, tissues and organs works closely together to maintain a stable immune defense.

Numerous factors, such as stress, an unhealthy diet or lack of sleep, can weaken the immune system. The immune system is particularly challenged during the cold season or in stressful times, which is why a targeted build-up of the body's defenses is helpful.

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Your BHI benefits
  • Customized formulations: Tailor-made formulations meet specific market needs and offer unique solutions.
  • Experience & expertise: With years of expertise, BHI offers innovative and reliable nutritional supplements.
  • Flexibility & variety: Choose from different dosage forms - from capsules to powders!
#inspireAbgesoftet im Hintergrund die Nahaufnahme von Zitronenscheiben, darauf die Strukturformel des Vitamin C

Vitamin C

The all-time classic: vitamin C! This all-rounder is one of the most important vitamins for our immune system. It not only contributes to the normal function of the immune system, but also protects the cells from oxidative stress. Especially in the cold season, it can help to support the body's defenses.

#inspireAbgesoftete Nahaufnahme von einer Hand mit leichten Streifen des Sonnenlichts, darauf die Strukturformel des Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in our immune system, especially in the winter months. During this time, the amount of sunlight needed to produce vitamin D decreases, which can lead to a deficiency. Adequate vitamin D levels help to support the body's normal defenses.

#inspireAbgesoftete Nahaufnahme von Nüssen, darauf das Elementsymbol von Zink


Zinc is an essential trace element that is vital for the normal functioning of the human immune system. It supports cell division and numerous other biological processes in the body. Zinc is therefore particularly important in times of stress or increased strain.

#inspireAbgesoftete Aufnahme von Nüssen und Hülsenfrüchten in Schälchen, darauf das Elementsymbol von Selen


Selenium is a valuable trace element that is primarily known for its antioxidant properties. It protects the cells from oxidative stress and thus supports the immune system.

#inspireAbgesoftete Nahaufnahme von gefüllten Einmachgläsern, darauf organische Formen als Symbol für Probiotika


The intestinal flora is an important part of the immune defense. Probiotics are living microorganisms that are said to play an important role in the balance of the intestinal flora. As part of our immune system is located in the gut, a healthy gut flora can provide positive support.

Immune system in children

Children's immune systems also face particular challenges as they are still developing. A balanced supply of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, can support the normal function of a child's immune system.

Here you can find everything for children & teenagers!

Would you like to expand your immune range? Then send us a message and we'll be happy to help you!

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